Enforcement of Attendance:

Our college is a pioneer institute in introducing the computerised attendance system. The computerised defaulters lists are displayed division wise regularly at the end of every month on the Students Notice Board. The students failing to fulfil the required attendance shall be DETAINED and shall not be permitted to take the Annual / Board examination. Warning letters from the Principal are written to Parents of the defaulting students are given to the concerned students by the class teachers in the classrooms. The students must hand over these warning letters to their parents. Students should note that fulfilling the attendance requirement alone will not qualify them to appear for the examination. Their academic performance should also be to the satisfaction of the principal.

General Rules & Regulations :

  1. Every students should obtain a ID card and show at the entry
  2. Students should not loiter in the corridors, when the lectures are engaged
  3. Giving proxy attendance is a serious act of indiscipline
  4. Students applying for certificates / testimonials and attestation should first contact college office
  5. Ragging is strictly Prohibited in the college premises

Punitive Measures :

  1. Warning
  2. Cancellation of Admission
  3. Refusal to grant admission in future
  4. Withholding or withdrawing of University exam form
  5. Expulsion / rustication from college
  6. Fine not exceeding Rs. 300
  7. Non-refund of fees and deposits
  8. Suspension for a specified period